Company : AEC Technology, Inc.
Microsoft Visual C++ versions matching MicroStation versions |
MicroStation Version |
MDL Code |
Native Code |
Comment |
08.21.XX.XX |
N |
Visual Studio 2013 (Visual C++ 12) |
64-bit |
08.11.XX.XX |
Y |
Visual Studio 2005 (Visual C++ 8) |
32-bit, Service Pack 1 |
08.09.XX.XX |
Y |
Visual Studio 2003 (Visual C++ 7.1) |
08.05.XX.XX |
Y |
Visual C/C++ 6.0 |
Table is taken from LA Solutions. See this FAQ from Bentley Systems.
Required Visual Studio version may vary according to your MicroStation version.
1) Launch
Visual Studio 2005, select File > New Project (Ctrl + Shift + N) and
New Project dialog will be opened.
Select Makefile Project from Templates, enter name of your project and
select location of the project.
2) New Application Wizard will be displayed, click Next button.
3) Fill in following fields as described on Debug Configuration Settings.
Build command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries)\MicroStation\mdl\bin\bmake.exe" -a "c:\Users\Developer3\Documents\MDLProjects V8i (SELECTseries 3)\basic\basic.mke"
Rebuild command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries)\MicroStation\mdl\bin\bmake.exe" -a "c:\Users\Developer3\Documents\MDLProjects V8i (SELECTseries 3)\basic\basic.mke"
Include search path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries)\MicroStation\mdl\include;C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries)\MicroStation\mdl\MicroStationAPI
Output (for debugging): basic.dll
4) Select “Same as debug configuration” on Release Configuration Settings and click Finish.
5) Open your folder that contains MDL source files. Right-click copy file and paste it into Solution Explorer (header, resource or source file section) Visual Studio.
6) Open Microstation Developer Shell and compile your application as shown below;
bmake –a –ddebug=1 basic.mke
There must be an option to launch bmake from Visual Studio, but we couldn’t find it at the moment. If you know how to do it please send us an e-mail ( to be able to update this document.
7) Launch Microstation.
8) Select Debug > Attach to Process from Visual Studio menu.
9) Select ustation.exe on Attach to Process window.
10) Select Managed code ve Native code on Attach to options.
11) Click Attach button.
12) Now you started to debug your MDL application on top of MicroStation. You may add Breakpoints to debug.